Course curriculum

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    Intro to Pitch@School

    • About the Organisers

    • About the Programme

    • How You Will Learn

    • Course Timetable

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    Week 1

    • 1.0. Pitch@School Kick-Off Briefing

    • 1.1. What is a Business Pitch

    • 1.2. What is a Startup

    • 1.3. Share your Personal Aspirations

    • 1.4. Discover your Entrepreneur Profile

    • 1.5. Form a Team

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    Week 2

    • 2.1. How to find a good Problem

    • 2.2. Research User Problem

    • 2.3. How to design a good Solution

    • 2.4. Ideate Solutions

    • 2.5. Meet Your Mentor

    • 2.6. Reflect What's Next

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    Week 3

    • 3.1. What is a Prototype

    • 3.2. Design Mock-up/Prototype

    • 3.3. What is Customer Validation

    • 3.4. Validate Mockup/Prototype

    • 3.5. Submit 5-min Pitch Recording

    • 3.6. Meet Your Mentor

    • 3.7. Reflect What's Next

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    Week 4 + Submission

    • 4.1. Pitch Presentation Skills

    • 4.2. Question & Answer Skills

    • 4.3. Submit Demo Day 5-min Pitch Recording